Affiliate Disclosure

As an Amazon Associate, I earn commissions from all the links and advertisements on this blog. That means I earn a commission from any of the links or advertisements that you click on in my blog, of no extra money from you. It also means that you should assume that all links and advertisements I have in the blog will contain an affiliate link. When you click on the link it means you are supporting our business (for which we are truly grateful.) 


All opinions are of my own. If I don’t like a product, I will let you know! Products that I recommend are products I either have direct experience with, have used a product similar to or see a deal that I would buy for myself because of the value and cost. Sometimes when purchases are made, it might not meet your expectations. Like I tell everyone, there is a chance that the product might not meet your expectations, and that is fine. Amazon has a great return policy and you can contact customer service at any time to discuss your dissatisfaction or return of your product. I have no control of the outcome of how you get your return from Amazon. All of Amazons billing, product description and returns are strictly up to Amazon and I have no affiliation, access to personal information or with creating that content nor accessing any of that content.  Amazon does not sponsor me, endorse me, nor do I work on an Amazon team. I am simply a live streamer on the Amazon Live platform that is grateful to be able to recommend products to you.

On this blog, we offer a free newsletter to update you on the best deals Amazon has to offer, Your information is never given to others without your permission. You are free to subscribe to our newsletter and unsubscribe from the newsletter database, Aweber. There is an unsubscribe button you can use at any time. Your email will never be sold to a third party as we value your privacy.

On this blog, I might have some sponsorships and collaborations with brands. I will disclose them in the posts. I have also disclosed this in videos I create to help to be more transparent about the relationships I have with the brands and on social media. 


All opinions are my own and it is at your discretion to follow them and I am not legally held liable if you use the advice and/ or the product/advice does not meet you or your child’s, friends or family’s expectations. I am not held liable if you have a product that has caused you or anyone you know family, friends or associates harm or again, have not met your expectations. Purchasing and taking any information from this website means you are legally agreeing to make your own decisions in using the product and or advice given and that you relinguish any responsibility to me or holding me liable for any damages incurred with suggested purchases verbally, written (blog, video, social media, Pinterest or email). I am not a doctor. I use lots of homeopathic remedies. I post them as free information so people can do as they please with it. I am not held liable if the advice taken from this website does not help your health or places you in harm’s way. Again ALWAYS consult a doctor or professional for any medical advice if it is physical or mental advice or to use certain products (not just limited to products). Feel free to reach out with any questions!  Wood Media email